Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS), Germany

Bundessamt für Strahlenschutz is the federal authority for radiation protection in Germany. BfS has its headquarters in Willy-Brandt-Strasse 5, 38226 Salzgitter, Germany. Head of BfS is Präsident Wolfram König. He is represented in legal matters concerning R + D issues by Harald Kuntze, Head of R + D administration or Thomas Evers, deputy Head of R + D administration or their authorised substitutes, BfS is also acting as partner of the DoReMi consortium.

The BfS is the scientific-technical superior federal authority for radiation protection in Germany and is supervised by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). BfS is divided into four departments: “Nuclear Safety”, “Nuclear Waste Management”, “Radiation Protection and Health”, and “Radiation Protection and the Environment”. BfS works for the safety and protection of man and the environment against damage due to ionising and non-ionising radiation. It conducts in-house research and initiates, funds and supervises radiation protection research within national research program of BMU.

Role in research activities:

BfS is involved in WP 4 “Relative carcinogenesis of neutrons on humans using paediatric data “ and will supervise a PhD student for 3 or 4 years.

Responsible person

Dr. Linda Walsh deputy-head of the section “Radiation Epidemiology”. The research focuses on the shape of dose-effect relationships at low doses and on (molecular-)epidemiological studies, particularly with the large German uranium miner cohort study. She is one of the few researchers to have been intensively involved with the health risks from exposures to low neutron doses (Kellerer & Walsh 2001, Kellerer, Rühm & Walsh 2006).

Group members

1 PhD student.


Contact details

Dr Linda Walsh

Department of Radiation Epidemiology

Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz

Willy-Brandt-Strasse 5

Salzgitter 38226


E-mail: lwalsh@bfs.de

Phone: +49 89 31603 2258