Paul Scherrer Institute

The Paul Scherrer Institute is a multi-disciplinary research centre for natural sciences and technology. In national and international collaboration with universities, other research institutes and industry, PSI is active in solid state physics, materials sciences, elementary particle physics, life sciences, nuclear and non-nuclear energy research, and energy-related ecology.  It is the largest national research institute with about 1,300 members of staff, and is the only one of its kind in Switzerland.

Role in Research Activities

  • In WP2, contribution to characterisation of experimental exposures
  • In WP2, Task leader for measurement and modelling of neutron fluences and spectra in radiotherapy  
  • In WP4, Work package leader and coordination of, and contribution to, all tasks

Responsible Person

Prof. Dr. Antony J. Lomax, Head of Medical Physics, Center for Proton Radiation Therapy at PSI

Group Members

Dr. Gudrun Goitein, Clinical Director of the Centre for Proton Therapy, PSI (Interim)

PD. Dr. Uwe Schneider

Contact Details

Prof. Anthony Lomax

Paul Scherrer Institute

Villigen 5232




Phone: +41563103523