Universitatà Degli Studi Di Pavia
The University of Pavia is one of the oldest European Universities and most respected in Italy for its scientific productivity and quality of education and research. The Radiation Biophysics and Radiobiology Group undertakes its research activities in the Departments of Nuclear and Theoretical Physics and of Animal Biology. The Group's teaching activities take place in the Faculty of Medicine and also in the Faculty of Science. The theoretical division has expertise in the development of models and simulations particularly for low-dose radiation effects and health risk.
Role in Project Management
- Coordination, management, and administration of the project under WP1.
Role in Research Activities
- Participation in coordination and planning of all WP and preparation of reports.
- UniPv will also coordinate WP2 (in particular task 2.3), and task3.3.
Responsible Person
Andrea Ottolenghi Professor of Medical Physics and Radiobiology in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Pavia and head of the Radiation Biophysics and Radiobiology group.
Group Members
Domenico Scannicchio, Professor of Medical Physics in the Faculty of Medicine.
Klaus Trott, MD medical radiobiologist, (to be appointed for the project)
Vere Smyth, PhD, physicist
Contact Details
Professor Andrea Ottolenghi
Professor of Physics and Radiobiology
Universita Degli Studi Di Pavia
Dipartimento di Fisica
Via Bassi Number 6
Pavia I-27100
Phone: +39 0382 987892
E-mail: andrea.ottolenghi@pv.infn.it
For ANDANTE Project Management
E-mail: andante@pv.infn.it
Fax: +39 0382 526938