Universitaet Rostock (UROS)
The University of Rostock is the oldest one in the Baltic Sea region with a wide spectrum of scientific disciplines and a number of closely linked side institutes. The University of Rostock consists of nine traditional faculties. The recently founded interdisciplinary faculty promotes an intensive cooperation between all faculties and highly efficient coordination of research activities.
Department of Radiotherapy
The radiobiological laboratory of the department of radiation oncology is fully equipped for all standard cellular procedures and specialized for a broad range of methods for characterizing radiation induced cell damage, including irradiation and cell culture facilities, immunohistochemical verification of radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks; electron and fluorescence microscopy; flow cytometry; protein biochemistry as well as high throughput techniques like ELISA reader based assays. The UROS group is also involved in the collaborative research projects NOTE (FP6), CARDIORISK (FP7) and EpiRadBio (FP7). At the moment the group has one postdoctoral researcher, two research technicians and five postgraduate students. Isolation of stem cells will be performed in close collaboration with the Department of Cell Biology (Prof. Dr. Rychly), which has long-term experiences in isolation and cultivation of stem cells, and Department of Experimental Surgery (Prof. Dr. Brigitte Vollmar), which is specialized in in vivo investigations using different mouse models.
Role in Research Activities
Radiation induced modulations in proliferation, differentiation and genome instability may play a role for development of cancer after low-dose irradiation. Especially radiation induced in vitro and in vivo effects of stem cells will be addressed in WP3.
Responsible Person
Prof. Dr. Guido Hildebrandt, head of the Department of Radiotherapy. He has long-term experience in investigations of low dose radiation effects on inflammation (chronic, acute) in different species (human, rabbit, rat, mice) in vitro and in vivo.
Group Members
Dr. Katrin Manda: biologist, research with experience in radiation biology in vitro studies.
PD Dr. Kirsten Peters: research with experience in isolation and cultivation of stem cells.
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Vollmar: specialized in in vivo investigations using different mouse models.
Contact Details
Prof. Guido Hildebrandt
Department of Radiotherapy
Universitaet Rostock
Suedring 75
Rostok 18059
E-mail: guido.hildebrandt@uni-rostock.de
Phone: +49 381 494 9001