Loma Linda University Medical Center (LLUMC)
Loma Linda University's Proton Treatment Center (now named the James M. Slater M.D. Proton Treatment and Research Center after its founder) was the first proton facility worldwide designed for patient treatment and proton research in a hospital setting. The facility treated the first patient in October 1990 and has treated more than 14,000 proton patients since then. A significant number of patients are pediatric. Besides proton therapy, the Department of Radiation Medicine also provides other comprehensive radiation therapy services, including x-ray IMRT.
Role in Research Activities
- In WP2, measurements of out-of-field radiation dose using passively scattered and actively scanned proton beams;
- In WP3, calculation of treatment plans for scattered proton beams as part of the treatment planning system evaluation at low doses;
- In WP4, development and testing of risk models on existing paediatric radiotherapy data; proposal development for prospective data collection.
Responsible Person
Associate Prof. Dr. med. Dipl. Phys. Reinhard Schulte, Department of Radiation Medicine and James M. Slater Proton Treatment and Research Center, LLUMC
Group Members
Dr. Andrew Wroe, Medical Research Physicist
Contact Details
Dr Reinhard Schulte
Department of Radiation Medicine
Loma Linda University
11234 Anderson Street
Loma Linda, California 92354
E-mail: rschulte@dominion.llumc.edu
Phone: +1 909 558 4243